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Semester I
Inorganic Chemistry-I: Atomic Structure & Chemical Bonding
Physical Chemistry-I: States of Matter & Ionic Equilibrium
Inorganic Chemistry-I: Atomic Structure & Chemical Bonding - Lab
Physical Chemistry-I: States of Matter & Ionic Equilibrium - Lab
English Communication
General Elective - I (Maths)
General Elective - I (Zoology and Zoology Lab)
Semester II
Organic Chemistry-I: Basics & Hydrocarbons
Physical Chemistry-II: Chemical Thermodynamics & its Applications
Organic Chemistry-I: Basics & Hydrocarbons
Physical Chemistry-II: Chemical Thermodynamics & its Applications - Lab
Environmental Studies
General Elective - II (Maths)
General Elective - II (Zoology - Theory and Lab)
Semester III
Inorganic Chemistry II: s- and p-Block Elements
Organic II: Oxygen Containing Functional Groups
Physical Chemistry III: Phase Equilibria & Chemical Kinetics
Inorganic Chemistry II: s- and p-Block Elements - Lab
Organic Chemistry II: Oxygen Containing Functional Groups – Lab
Physical Chemistry III: Phase Equilibria & Chemical Kinetics - Lab
Skill Enhancement Course - Elective I
Basic Analytical Chemistry, Chemo informatics, Chemistry of cosmetics and perfumes
General Elective –III (Physics - Theory and Lab)
GGeneral Elective –III (Botany - Theory and Lab)
Semester IV
Inorganic Chemistry III: Coordination Chemistry
Organic Chemistry III: Heterocyclic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry IV: Electrochemistry
Inorganic Chemistry III: Coordination Chemistry - Lab
Organic Chemistry III: Heterocyclic Chemistry - Lab
Physics Chemistry l IV: Electrochemistry - Lab
Skill Enhancement Course - Elective II
Pesticide Chemistry, Fuel Chemistry, Intellectual Property Rights
General Elective IV (Physics - Theory and Lab)
General Elective IV (Botany - Theory and Lab)
Semester V
Organic Chemistry IV: Biomolecules
Physical Chemistry V: Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy
Organic Chemistry IV: Biomolecules - Lab
Physical Chemistry V: Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy - Lab
Discipline Specific Elective I
Applications of computers in Chemistry, Analytical methods in Chemistry, Applications of computers in Chemistry Lab, Analytical methods in Chemistry Lab.
Discipline Specific Elective II
Novel Inorganic Solid, Polymer Chemistry, Novel Inorganic Solid Lab, Polymer Chemistry Lab.
Semester VI
Inorganic Chemistry IV: Organometallic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry V: Spectroscopy
Inorganic Chemistry IV: Organometallic Chemistry - Lab
Organic Chemistry V: Spectroscopy - Lab
Discipline Specific Elective III
Green Chemistry, Inorganic materials & Industrial Importance, Green Chemistry Lab, Inorganic materials & Industrial Importance Lab
Discipline Specific Elective IV
Industrial Chemicals & Environment, Research methodology for Chemistry, Industrial Chemicals & Environment Lab, Research methodology for Chemistry Lab.

Programme Outcome

Programme Outcome of BSc Chemistry


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